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Meet Our Team

CEDO’s team is comprised of a group of people committed to protecting the natural resources and cultures of the Sonoran Desert and the Sea of Cortez.

Nélida Barajas Acosta

Nélida Barajas Acosta

Executive Director

Hello! I am Nélida Barajas. Executive Director of Intercultural Center for the Study of Deserts and Oceans.


I am a passionate and committed conservationist, mother of three wonderful people, biologist from UNAM, Master of Science from CIMAV and Doctor in philosophia from UACH. My professional experience includes research, regulatory management, environmental education, political science interface and complex systems. . I have directed numerous national and international projects with WWF, TNC, CFE, GIZ, advised international cooperators and as a public servant in the Federal Government. I participated in the coordination of substantive issues of COP-13 of the CBD; I was a Specialist in the United Nations system; and Coordinator of the First IUCN Mexican Forum with the Mexican Committee.

My commitment is to work every day on global challenges to build a world where people respect and protect biodiversity, and recognize that the environmental goods and services that they provide us are fundamental to living in harmony with nature and building equitable societies.

Alma Guadalupe Vadenebro Nolasco

Alma Guadalupe Vadenebro Nolasco

Deputy Director of
Administration and Finance


I was born in Navojoa, Sonora, the daughter of Sonoran parents. For my father’s work reasons we moved to Guadalajara when I was three years old, I am the second of eight brothers, five of my brothers were born in Guadalajara. I studied and grew up in Guadalajara in love with all the culture, participating in courses in popular culture, painting, art, dance, etc. My best friends are still there. I grew up between the university, the Cabañas Institute and private dance classes and the goals were to go to the cinema, theater and concerts in the Peña Cuicacalli. I started listening to live rock at age 30 and there I met my husband, with whom I have been married for almost 24 years, we have a 13-year-old daughter who is our daily reason to wake up. When I arrived at CEDO I never imagined how much this work would impact my life, I was never normal and here I sharpen my tastes for taking care of the environment and nature.

Abelardo Castillo Rosas

Abelardo Castillo Rosas

Deputy Director of Operations
Specialist in Social Geography and Wildlife Management


Mexican, dedicated to his family, with Geography and Veterinary studies, and published works in nature photography and experience in more than twenty countries on board Greenpeace ships. Environmental educator with more than 25 years addressing environment and society issues in rural, indigenous and urban settings. Tireless promoter of youths and among his latest works include the Environmental Education Directorate of the State of Chiapas, passing through the reproduction of endangered species in the general curatorship of the Chiapas Regional Zoo Exhibition.

Collaborator in education and promotion of solar energy projects for rural communities in Mexico supported by Greenpeace and Solafrica; and currently Associate Specialist in Political Geography and Wildlife with the Intercultural Center for Ocean and Desert Studies A.C.

Hem Nalini Morzaria-Luna

Hem Nalini Morzaria-Luna

Principal Researcher and Coordinator of Climate Change and Ecosystem Management Program


My specialty is applying modeling approaches to the management and conservation of marine and coastal resources, and analyzing how anthropogenic impacts influence planning and conservation decisions. I studied Marine Biology at the Autonomous University of Baja California Sur, and received a Doctorate from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. I joined the CEDO team in 2004, where I started as Coordinator of the Wetlands Research Program (2005-2009). Subsequently, I began to develop research focused on understanding the effects of climate change on marine systems and coastal communities. I have the distinction National System of Researchers Level I, of the National Council of Science and Technology. I am a visiting researcher at the Northwest Fisheries Center, NOAA, in Seattle, WA.

Ángeles Yazmín Sánchez Cruz

Ángeles Yazmín Sánchez Cruz

Manager in Conservation,
Biodiversity and
Citizen Science



Graduated in Marine Biology from the Universidad del Mar, I started with the specialty of Fisheries Biology working on projects related to the subject. My work at CEDO began in 2007, with participation in data generation and group formation for fisheries and wetlands in the Northern Gulf of California. Among the featured projects are PANGAS (Northern Gulf of California Artisanal Fisheries: Environment and Society) with interdisciplinary alliances between the University of Arizona and other Civil Associations. Associate researcher in 2008 in the scientific research project called “Modeling of the marine ecosystem of Northern California,” Atlántis “in priority sites such as bays and coastal wetlands.” From 2014 to 2016 I developed as a Specialist in Wetlands in the project the “Sustainable management and use of the biological corridor from Bahía Adair to Bahia San Jorge and in 2016 to 2019 as a specialist in social participation in the Ecosystem Management Program for the Biological-Fishing Corridor, Puerto Peñasco-Lobos. Currently I am in charge of Management in Conservation, Biodiversity and Citizen Science.

Paloma Alejandra Valdivia Jiménez

Paloma Alejandra Valdivia Jiménez

Senior Consultant



Since childhood I have been passionate about nature; Understanding it and promoting its conservation led me to study General Biology at the Autonomous University of Aguascalientes (UAA) and to carry out a master’s degree in Use, Management and Preservation of Natural Resources at the Northwest Center for Biological Research (CIBNOR). I have worked in research projects, environmental and scientific education, given classes in biology and ecology. Since 2005 I have been working at CEDO designing and implementing different educational and training programs focused on raising awareness of the ecological, social and economic importance of the Gulf of California and promoting the responsible use of its natural resources by students and teachers, fishermen, service providers tourist, officials, tourists and more.

Elia Polanco Mizquiz

Elia Polanco Mizquiz

Community Wellness



Elia Polanco Mizquiz. Community Wellness Manager of Intercultural Center for the Study of Deserts and Oceans.

I have collaborated with various civil society organizations and Research centers such as: the center for the conservation and use of natural resources of the Tecnológico de Monterrey, World Wildlife Fund, The Nature Conservancy, Conservación Internacional, Comunidad y Biodiversidad, Centro de Investigaciones del Noroeste , Pronatura Sonora, in different conservation projects for the Gulf of California. Since April 2006 I have been working at CEDO and have had the opportunity to collaborate in all the coordinations in: Coastal Conservation, in Wetland Research, in Education and Communication, in Fisheries in two regions: in the Upper Gulf as Manager for the three communities for the Environmental Impact Manifestation Project for riparian fishing and in the Corridor as Coordinator of Social Participation of the program of integral management of riparian fishing and I am currently Manager of Community Welfare of these two regions. I have a Bachelor of Informatics training, an expert in Geographic Information Systems and Database management, I have a Master of Science in Coastal Management and Environmental Impact Assessment from the Technological Institute of Guaymas. I am from Guaymas, Sonora, I have 21 years of happy marriage, I have three beautiful daughters, and as a good older sister of two, always a defender of the most vulnerable.

Ma. de Lourdes Fdez. Casillas

Lu Fernández

Coordinator of the Regional Festival of Artisanal Fishing and Aquaculture


My specialty is applying modeling approaches to the management and conservation of marine and coastal resources, and analyzing how anthropogenic impacts influence planning and conservation decisions. I studied Marine Biology at the Autonomous University of Baja California Sur, and received a Doctorate from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. I joined the CEDO team in 2004, where I started as Coordinator of the Wetlands Research Program (2005-2009). Subsequently, I began to develop research focused on understanding the effects of climate change on marine systems and coastal communities. I have the distinction National System of Researchers Level I, of the National Council of Science and Technology. I am a visiting researcher at the Northwest Fisheries Center, NOAA, in Seattle, WA.

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Noah Solis Barajas

Socorro González Barajas

Associate Communication


Socorro González Barajas. Associate Communication Specialist of Intercultural Center for the Study of Deserts and Oceans.

I was born in the city of Hermosillo, Sonora, I studied professionally in the Bachelor of Hispanic Literatures from the University of Sonora. I have been the coordinator of the Primera Toma cinema club since 1996 and have been involved in courses with themes on Film Language, Literature, Education, Photography and Promotion of Culture and the Arts. I was a beneficiary of the State Fund for Culture and the Arts of Sonora, with the audiovisual project Los murmullos de la memoria, annotations for a documentary, an approach to the literature of the writer Guillermo Munro. I was selected in the State Contest of Plastic Arts of Caborca, in the Graphics category, participated in the Digital Photography Contest for Amateurs, and made two individual exhibitions, the first one of graphics entitled Uncertain Portraits, in the city of Havana , Cuba. and the second one of photography titled Intromissions, in Puerto Peñasco, Sonora. I currently collaborate with CEDO as an assistant communication specialist.

Eliud Alberto Flores López

Eliud Alberto Flores López

Digital Media


Eliud Alberto Flores López. Associate Digital Media Specialist of Intercultural Center for the Study of Deserts and Oceans.

Chiapaneco lover of nature, rock and dogs. Systems engineer with more than 10 years of experience in the development and management of projects and solutions based on the use of information technologies.

He served as Director of Informatics for the Ministry of the Environment and the Institute of Natural History of the State of Chiapas. He was in charge of the Youth Welfare and Services and Environmental Projects departments of the Tuxtla Gutiérrez City Council, as well as the Systems and Technological Development Directorate of the Network for Social Sustainability A.C.

Rene D. Loaiza

Rene David Loaiza Villanueva

Sustainable Fisheries
and Aquaculture Manager


Rene D. Loaiza. Manager of Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture of Intercultural Center for the Study of Deserts and Oceans.

Biochemical Engineer in the area of marine science, with a specialty in sustainable development and a master’s degree in Sustainability science. Originally from Guaymas, married with three children. Work experience in shrimp aquaculture, experience as a permittee in riparian fishing, in marketing, processing and export of crab and scale for 11 years. I have been a fisheries and social participation technician for 12 years with CEDO, a technician in technological baccalaureate for 4 years, a diving instructor for 2 years. I enjoy collaboration and teamwork. My areas of interest are fisheries, fisheries management, marine ecosystems, biodiversity, teaching, diving and community participation. I like to plan, execute, document, analyze, write and spread our work.

Alan Gil Lafón

Alan Gil Lafón

Academic Services
and NaturArte Manager


Passionate about life and outdoor activities, a Civil Engineer by profession with a degree from the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Over 7 years of experience in planning, production and logistics monitoring of massive events, as well as an entrepreneur in the area of national and international ecotourism activities.

Likewise, I’ve had the opportunity to participate as a volunteer in various social and adventure activities centers for young people in England and Switzerland

The desire for discovery and adventure has allowed me to experience a large number of countries and natural environments, which has opened my perception towards a global culture, both social and natural, always seeking to complement these experiences with the people around me to create a society able to live in harmony with nature.

Juan Carlos Barrera

Juan Carlos Barrera

Senior Consultant


Juan Carlos Barrera Guevara, Ingeniero Bioquímico y Maestro en Ciencias. Cuenta con más de 30 años de experiencia en desarrollo de programas y proyectos de conservación marina y costera a nivel internacional. Experto en vinculación efectiva entre sectores productivos y gobierno. amplia experiencia en aprovechamiento, conservación, protección y manejo de recursos naturales, identificación y diseño de áreas marinas protegidas, mediante un enfoque ecosistémico integrado para la conservación y uso sostenible y adaptación de ecosistemas al Cambio Climático.

Entrenado en dirección y alta gerencia. Planeación estratégica, construcción de equipos y trabajo en campo, orientado a resultados y certificado en formulación y evaluación de proyectos mediante el enfoque de Marco Lógico y Soluciones Basadas en la Naturaleza. Excelentes habilidades para cabildeo y relaciones públicas. Probada habilidad para motivar y trabajar con organizaciones gubernamentales, organizaciones civiles y culturas. Liderazgo probado en el desarrollo de estrategias de procuración de fondos, toma de decisiones ejecutivas, administración y manejo recursos humanos y financieros.

Eleazar López Gallegos

Eleazar López Gallegos

Associate Conservation
and Fisheries Specialist


Eleazar López Gallegos. Associate Specialist in Priority Species Monitoring of Intercultural Center for the Study of Deserts and Oceans.

I was born in the city of Puebla in 1980, I studied a degree in Physical Education and I arrived in Sonora in 2008. I started working at CEDO as a research assistant and every year I participated in different programs, starting in 2015 I began my training in coastal conservation as specialist in monitoring priority species; I have monitored shorebirds, marine mammals, arthropods, wetland vegetation, and submarines. I currently collaborate as an assistant specialist in monitoring priority species.