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Ecosystem Management

The Climate Change Program’s main objective is to carry out research actions to identify the effects of climate change, help understand which human populations, fisheries and aquaculture areas are the most vulnerable to this change and help improve the adaptive capacity of the fishing sector.

In Mexico…

Climate change is already impacting the life, habitats, and well-being of coastal communities, particularly in the northwestern region of Mexico where CEDO works. This is why, as researchers, we generate and disseminate information that will support our goal with a focus on the effects of climate change on fisheries, aquaculture and coastal communities.

At CEDO, we are working and developing proposals with a reference framework based on the results of the country’s NDC update, and taking advantage of our organization’s experience, with emphasis on blue carbon and climate change issues.

Climate change is arguably the greatest challenge facing humanity today. If we do not reduce or sequester the volume of greenhouse gas we emit into the atmosphere, changes in weather and climate will have a cascade of effects that will impact all energy and material flows both within ecosystems and from nature to people.

satellite image of ocean and desert Baja California

Building Partnerships for Impact:

  • Strengthened collaborations with renowned institutions like Universidad Autonoma de Baja California Sur, Carnegie Mellon University, Penn State University, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, and Universidad de los Andes, fostering joint research proposals.

  • Partnered with South Pole to pioneer inclusion of Northern California wetlands in Blue Carbon markets, contributing to carbon sequestration and climate mitigation.

  • Launched a collaborative project with UABCS and David and Lucile Packard Foundation to assess climate change vulnerability of coastal communities in the Gulf of California and Yucatan Peninsula.

Expanding Knowledge & Understanding:



  • Generated valuable scientific data and insights through collaborative research efforts.

  • Analyzed potential impacts of oil pollution on deep-sea fish communities, informing conservation strategies.

  • Studied changes in fish populations and zones within Northern California wetlands, highlighting critical habitat dynamics.

  • Investigated the role of community participation in coastal planning through the Puerto Peñasco-Puerto Lobos Corridor project.

  • Assessed the state of knowledge concerning Baja California Sur’s vital mangrove ecosystems.

  • Explored the link between food web architecture and ecosystem resilience in Pacific marine environments.

  • Examined the role of nitrogen storage capacity in marsh plant species and their community interactions.

  • Contributed to ongoing analysis of fishing communities in Estero de la Cruz, Sonora, aiding local conservation efforts.

The organization’s climate change program exemplifies its commitment to addressing pressing environmental challenges.

By conducting research on the region’s vulnerability to climate change, CEDO equips communities with the knowledge and tools needed to adapt and build resilience. This proactive approach ensures that communities are better prepared to face the changing climate and its associated impacts.