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Community Well-Being

Our mission is to empower communities in the Northern Gulf of California

CEDO provides the resources and skills needed to identify and address their challenges. This includes fostering their ability to self-manage solutions that benefit the common good.

Key Strategies:

  • Developing best practices and tools: We will work with communities to develop effective methods for self-management, encompassing areas like sustainable fishing practices, legal frameworks, infrastructure development, and social and economic network building.
  • Testing and evaluation: Through case studies in eight coastal communities, we will assess the effectiveness of these community-based management approaches.

Building on Past Experience:

CEDO has a strong track record of promoting actions that improve the well-being of coastal communities in the Northern Gulf of California. However, past efforts have been limited by resource constraints, hindering our ability to fully address social and biodiversity challenges in the surrounding Sonoran Desert mainland.

desert mountains

On the coast, CEDO has focused mainly on biodiversity and has only recently begun to address the social realm.

It is imperative that we implement actions that generate the well-being of our communities to ensure sustainable development and leave no one behind. 

To achieve this, CEDO fosters:


Self-managing communities by providing advice, support, and capacity building; generating case studies to document and demonstrate a clear increase in effectiveness for infrastructure improvements management, capacity-building efforts, actions that impact public health and education.


A circular economy aimed at eliminating waste and the continual use of resources, and generating clean energy.


The design of productive models based on equity, justice, a fair economy, environmental responsibility, and democracy (social solidarity economy networks).


The Culinary Conservation approach, which seeks to connect people with their food sources to facilitate the communities’ well-being and the conservation of species and ecosystems.

Our Goals

  • Promote cooperation at all levels to conserve the regional biocultural heritage.
  • Improve living conditions in coastal fishing communities by increasing access and economic, social, and cultural rights, promoting a healthy and diversified diet, eradicating poverty, promoting waste and water management best practices and the use of alternative energy.
  • Promote community self-management, and a culture of a participatory democracy.
  • Foster a local trade and economy and promote the Culinary Conservation approach.
  • Consolidate advisory committees for local fisheries at the municipal, state, regional and federal levels.
  • Promote an effective regulation for fishing activities, end overfishing, illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing, and destructive fishing practices, and protect access rights for small-scale fishing.
Map graphic of communities well being served.

Where We Work

The eight main coastal communities with which we collaborate are Puerto Lobos, Desemboque de Caborca, Ejido Álvaro Obregón, Ejido Rodolfo Campodónico, Puerto Peñasco, Golfo de Santa Clara, and San Felipe, with a total population of 82,846. These communities are located in two states: Sonora and Baja California, and cover four municipalities: Caborca, Puerto Peñasco, San Luis Río Colorado, and Mexicali.