Hello! I am Nélida Barajas. Executive Director of Intercultural Center for the Study of Deserts and Oceans.
I am a passionate and committed conservationist, mother of three wonderful people, biologist from UNAM, Master of Science from CIMAV and Doctor in philosophia from UACH. My professional experience includes research, regulatory management, environmental education, political science interface and complex systems. . I have directed numerous national and international projects with WWF, TNC, CFE, GIZ, advised international cooperators and as a public servant in the Federal Government. I participated in the coordination of substantive issues of COP-13 of the CBD; I was a Specialist in the United Nations system; and Coordinator of the First IUCN Mexican Forum with the Mexican Committee.
My commitment is to work every day on global challenges to build a world where people respect and protect biodiversity, and recognize that the environmental goods and services that they provide us are fundamental to living in harmony with nature and building equitable societies.